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Posted by M on December 17, 2017, 10:49 am


Almost a month had passed by, and I could still see him in the gyms... with HIM. He had stolen my partner, and in doing so anyone on my team who really made a difference for me during these cold weeks... Ho-Oh had come and gone and the next generation had been released along with the holiday update. The other teams had been busy too, though some level 40s got sick... and decided to stay home. I was up to my waist with flour, holiday pies, and cookie cutters while the most active players took turns taking down each other's gyms. That's when I noticed it... 

Theonlydave02 and Isaac, up in the gyms with each other. Silently acknowledging each other in a tug of war between BouBou# and Dave. I'd see the other 5 constantly backing her up. Whether they did or not it was futile. She had boosted her team, and now she was unstoppable. With the most random schedule I've ever seen in any player, she would pass through the city and in a matter of minutes, she would paint it Blue. Usually right after Brise would sweep through it right after sunrise. You never knew when she was coming... or for how long she'll be at it.  At night, however, it was THEM. My teammates, weather the blizzard together. And that Blizzard had a name... 


I shall not fight this blizzard, it would be useless to try. Perhaps I could use this to my advantage... and besides like all storms, they usually pass and who remains come out harder, tougher and sturdier than before... but sometimes fragile and on the verge of breaking... and that's when I'll come out.

                     Posted by M on January 4, 2018, 7:26 am, in reply to "The Chronicles of The Catch (A Response... continued.) "


The blizzard left the city frigid and uninviting and it was like that all over. It was my birthday, and I received a call I had been kind of expecting but also dreading. Not everything was meant to survive the blizzard as all roses wilt in the fall. One of my dear friends was having problems with their boyfriend. It broke my heart, as I never thought love could conquer all. In fact, I find it to be one of life's impossible pleasures. It is useless as it is frivolous. For our generation, love isn't a goal or a step to creating a family. It is death. 

Love is the death of ambition, perseverance, engagement, and on the rare occasions, logic. I knew this dark day would come where my friend would realize this and call for me. I have a six sense about it all. 

So I left the city to save him, back to North Bay. I was excited to be back but I wasn't there to play some intense Pokémon Go. I was going to take my dearest away from that paradise and return to our cold little hole in the world. Here, my dearest could toughen up against the cruel and unforgiving winds that had defined us at such a young age. 

He too realized how the community was savage against other players, especially strangers. You could put your best Pokémon up, however, within minutes one of the Blues would destroy your Pokémon and leave one of his best. 

I had myself a bit of fun with my usual strategy. Use my best to take the gym down and leave something I was planning to transfer anyway. That way I could save potions and repeat at another gym until I got too cold or bored. 

My dearest and I were doing that while we were both out for a smoke. Before entering my cozy apartment, we noticed that Rektar's father and mother had put themselves in. 

It is only surprising when the community back in NB don't show that much aggression. I was quite used to it and told my friend who these people are. 

New Pokémon had been released and there was so much to catch and level up. For the sake of the holidays, I made peace with Isaac. I never brought up Dave, or the others. He showed me how close he was to catch up to my level. We're both at 36 now. 

Regardless, my plan has not changed. I will let BouBou# whether down my own team. Only the new recruits really needed my protection and with the temperature dropping, there was only so much I could do.